2015年12月15日 信息来源:魏丽 浏览次数:346

讲座主题: Management Consulting Framework and Client Buy in 讲座嘉宾:Ronald Steven Watkins 讲座语言:英文 讲座时间:2015年12月18日19:00-21:30 讲座地点:威廉希尔中文网站平台思源东楼307教室 讲座报名:题目+学号+姓名至 注意:参加讲座的在校MBA同学,请携带一卡通或身份证或学生证参加,讲座开始前10min收一卡通记次数,讲座结束后归还。 嘉宾介绍: Senior Assistant Dean, College of Business UIUC, Ron Watkins has 12+ yrs of industry experience, mainly in consulting, and 8+ yrs teaching consulting courses to MBA and EMBA students. Previous to accepting a faculty position at Illinois, Ron specialized in Sales Management Consulting and has worked with both Fortune 150 and small companies to achieve goals around revenue generation and cost reduction in industries such as transportation, capital equipment distribution, insurance and government. 同时欢迎广大师生、校友以及备考的同学参加!