2015年03月16日 信息来源:董思茵 浏览次数:249

讲座人:Shu-Cherng Fang (方述诚) 讲座时间:3月19日下午4点 讲座地点:思源东楼611 讲座主题:Two Interesting Games 说明: 1.仅限管科、信管、物流、工程的学硕、博士预约。 1.为留学生预留5人。预留保存到3月18日14:00,此后若还有容量,其他学生也可预约。 讲座题目处若标注[已满],表示已约满,不再接受预约。 2.讲座开始前收一卡通记次数,讲座结束后归还。预约而未听讲座以及讲座迟到者均倒扣一次,未预约而去听讲座不计次数。 摘要: Professor John von Neumann said that「任何事件只要給定了外在條件和參與者的情況, 假設參與者能依個人自由意願行事, 都能視為一種策略的遊戲。」(1928, German title "ZurTheorie der Gesellschaftsspiele") In this talk, we introduce some basic concepts of game theory. Two interesting game models are used to illustrate the idea of modeling games involving well-known problems. One is the two-person knapsack game for investment decision making based on the famous knapsack problem in combinatorial optimization. The other one is the two-newsvendor game for supply chain management based on Edgeworth-Arrow-Harris-Marshak’s newsboy problem in inventory control. Models, mathematics and managerial insights will be discussed.