讲座时间:今晚(9月18日)晚上19:00开始 讲座地点:思源东楼821教室 讲座专家:方二教授 讲座题目:社会传染和虚拟商品购买: 基于在线游戏的研究 方二教授简介: 伊利诺伊香槟分校(UIUC) 方二教授为国际商务、服务创新以及营销战略领域的研究专家,在《市场营销》、《市场营销研究》、《市场营销科学》等国际顶尖期刊发表近20篇文章。2006至2008年,他在营销学顶级期刊《市场营销》上发表论文的数量居全球学者第4位。其发表的文章《服务转型策略对企业价值的影响》荣获2009美国营销协会最佳论文奖,2009年,方教授被列入“美国名人录:大学教授”,2010年荣获美国营销科学学会青年学者奖。 Eric (Er) Fang Associate Professor of Business Administration and James F. Towey Faculty Fellow Educational Background Ph.D., Marketing, University of Missouri, 2005 M.S., Economics, Fudan University, 2000 Positions Held James F. Towey Faculty Fellow, University of Illinois, 2011 Assistant Professor of Marketing and International Business, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2008-2009 Assistant Professor of Marketing, University of Delaware, 2005-2008 Recent Publications Tang, Y., Fang, E., Wang, F. 2014. Is Neutral Really Neutral? The Effects of Neutral User Generate Content (UGC) on Product Sales. Journal of Marketing Honors and Awards List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by MBA Students, UIUC, 2010-2011 MSI Young Scholar Award 2010, Marketing Science Institute, 2010 Teaching and Research Interests Innovation, Marketing Strategy, and International Business Source: https://business.illinois.edu/profile/eric-er-fang/