Measuring coherence with entanglement concurrence


SpeakerProf. Ting Gao

AbstractQuantum coherence is a fundamental manifestation of the quantumsuperposition principle. Recently, Baumgratz et al (2014 Phys. Rev. Lett. 113140401) presented a rigorous framework to quantify coherence from the viewof theory of physical resource. Here we propose a new valid quantum coherencemeasure which is a convex roof measure, for a quantum system of arbitrarydimension, essentially using the generalized Gell-Mann matrices. Rigorousproof shows that the proposed coherence measure, coherence concurrence,fulfills all the requirements dictated by the resource theory of quantumcoherence measures. Moreover, strong links between the resource frameworksof coherence concurrence and entanglement concurrence is derived, whichshows that any degree of coherence with respect to some reference basis can beconverted to entanglement via incoherent operations. Our work provides a clearquantitative and operational connection between coherence and entanglementbased on two kinds of concurrence. This new coherence measure, coherenceconcurrence, may also be beneficial to the study of quantum coherence.

Time: 10:00-11:00am, Monday, September 21, 2020

LocationTencent online Conference, ID964 620 591 (password41346)